June’s here, and with it comes warmer weather, longer days, and a calendar packed with activities. But between the barbecues and pool parties, the content well can start to feel a little dry. We’ve all been there! To help you keep your audience engaged throughout the month, we’ve put together a list of content ideas for June 2024. Let’s dive in!


  • Beautiful in Your Skin Month
  • Effective Communications Month
  • Entrepreneurs “Do it Yourself” Marketing Month

    Do it Yourself Marketing

Even without a marketing team, you can capture attention in June! Here are creative ways 3 business owners, from a baker to a yoga instructor, can use “Do It Yourself Marketing Month” to connect with customers:

  1. The Local Bakery Owner (Brick & Mortar):

Theme: “DIY Customer Appreciation Month”

  • Social Media Challenge: Create a fun social media challenge for a week in June. Encourage customers to post pictures enjoying your baked goods at home using a specific hashtag. Offer a prize for the most creative post, like a free cake or a basket of treats. This builds brand awareness, customer engagement, and generates user-created content.
  1. The Online Yoga Instructor (Service-Based):

Theme: “Free Yoga Flow for Focus & Productivity”

  • Live Stream Workshop: Host a free live stream yoga session on your social media platform or website. Focus on a theme relevant to entrepreneurs, like “Focus & Productivity Flow.” During the class, subtly weave in how yoga can benefit their busy lifestyle. Offer a discount on your online yoga class package at the end of the session. This allows you to showcase your expertise, build a potential student base, and provide value without needing expensive marketing materials.
  1. The Independent Graphic Designer (Creative Industry):

Theme: “DIY Design Tips for Your Brand”

  • Blog Series: Start a blog series titled “DIY Design Tips for Your Brand” throughout June. Share simple, actionable design tips entrepreneurs can implement themselves. This could include creating a logo with free online tools, basic graphic design principles for presentations, or choosing color palettes for branding. This positions you as an expert and attracts potential clients who may need more advanced design services later.
  • National Camping Month



National Email Month

  • National Email Week (June 10-16): National Email Week is a chance to connect with customers! Here are creative email ideas for both a brick and mortar business and a service-based business:

Retail Store:  Celebrate National Email Week by offering a “subscriber scavenger hunt” in-store. Subscribers receive exclusive clues via email leading them to hidden discounts or special offers throughout the store. This encourages email sign-ups, drives in-store traffic, and creates a fun in-store experience.

Financial Planner:  National Email Week email series focused on “Financial Planning FAQs.” Each email tackles a common question subscribers might have about financial planning, like “How much should I save for retirement?” or “What types of investments should I consider?” This educates potential clients, positions the financial planner as a trusted resource, and encourages them to schedule a consultation for personalized advice.

  • National Play Catch Week


  • 6/1 Stand For Children Day
  • 6/1 National Skincare Education Day
  • 6/7 National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
  • 6/7 National Donut Day: Run a contest on your social media page by asking your followers to post a picture eating their favorite donut.  Put the names of all who participate in a drawing, and award the winner a prize related to your business.  Bonus Tip: Add a high-quality picture of a delicious donut to your post!
  • 6/11 National Making Life Beautiful Day
  • 6/13 National Weed Your Garden Day
  • 6/17 National Eat Your Vegetables Day
  • 6/20 National Yard Games Day
  • 6/20 World Productivity Day
  • 6/21 National Seashell Day
  • 6/21 National Take Your Dog to Work Day
  • 6/23 International Women in Engineering Day
  • 6/23 National Family Owned & Operated Businesses Day
  • 6/26 National Day of Joy
  • 6/27 National Work From Home Day
  • 6/28 National Insurance Awareness Day
  • 6/30 Social Media Day: Show appreciation by featuring customer testimonials or reviews on your social media pages. Publicly acknowledge your loyal customers and the positive impact they have on your business. This builds trust with potential clients and shows your appreciation for existing ones.

We hope you’ve found these tips and examples helpful.  If you need help with your content creation strategy and implementation, reach out to learn how we can help!

Schedule a call now!